Terms and Privacy

Terms of Service

Welcome to Ahemad’s Ghostwriting Service (“we,” “my,” “us,” or “our”). By accessing or using our website, services, or any related applications (collectively, the “Services”), you agree to comply with and be bound by these Terms of Service (“Terms”). If you disagree with these Terms, please do not proceed with our Services.

  1. Service Description:
    Our Services include professional ghostwriting, editing, and marketing-related literary services. We undertake projects based on client specifications and provide written content tailored to their requirements.
  2. Client Responsibilities:
    Clients are responsible for providing accurate project details, materials, and feedback on time. Failure to do so may impact project timelines and quality.
  3. Payment and Fees:
    Payment terms are agreed upon in the contract before the commencement of a project. Late payments may result in project delays or termination. There are no additional fees for revisions within the agreed-upon project timeline.
  4. Intellectual Property:
    Clients own the rights to the content we produce for them upon full payment. We retain the right to use anonymized and non-identifiable excerpts for promotional purposes.
  5. Confidentiality:
    We respect the confidentiality of our clients’ projects. Non-disclosure agreements can be arranged upon request for additional privacy.
  6. Termination:
    Either party may terminate a project or ongoing service with notice. Fees for services rendered up to the termination date will still apply. Fees, once paid, will not be repaid upon project termination.
  7. Dispute Resolution:
    Any disputes will be resolved through negotiation and, if necessary, through legal proceedings in accordance with the appropriate jurisdiction.

Privacy Policy

  1. Information Collected:
    We collect personal information provided by users during the registration or inquiry process. This may include name, contact details, project details, and payment information.
  2. Use of Information:
    Personal information is used to provide our Services, communicate with clients, and process payments. We do not misuse or sell client’s information for any amount of money.
  3. Data Security:
    We employ industry-leading security measures to protect personal information from unauthorized access, disclosure, alteration, and destruction.
  4. Cookies:
    We use cookies to enhance user experience. Users can control cookie preferences through their browser settings.
  5. Third-Party Services:
    We may use third-party services for analytics, payment processing, and communication. These services have their own privacy policies, and users are encouraged to review them.
  6. Confidentiality:
    We respect the confidentiality of our client’s projects and do not share sensitive project details without explicit consent.
  7. Updates to Privacy Policy:
    This Privacy Policy may be updated periodically. Users will be notified of any significant changes.
    You agree to the terms this Privacy Policy outlines by using our Services. If you have any questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to contact us using the contact form or any of the lines of contact presented across the website.