
Mindset: The Paramount Asset

No matter how high a talented fly, he will always be under the wings of a hustler.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

No one has the right to decide your future unless you give them the authority to do so.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

One who lives in the past, never creates his own future and ruins his present too.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

To become a part of the 2% club, you must have a journey that can never be easily explained and you must be a person who can never be easily replaced.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You don't have to be the greatest; but become the person to whom even the greatest will fear.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Today they will laugh at you. Tomorrow they will laugh again, but on themselves for doubting you.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You can have anything in this world except limitations.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

People don't remember other people's success; make sure yours is unforgettable.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Always be scared of the outcome if you don't achieve you dream, live your vision, or score your goals.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The storm only attacks those who have the ability to withstand it, not to those who could be easily swallowed.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Learn from others, but follow yourself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

True dreams are defined by their ability to scare and thrill you at the same time.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Negativity and positivity attract more of its kind in abundance.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The only reason you're away from your wildest dreams is because of your fragile mindset—it is your biggest enemy.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Going from rags to riches is a journey that could be told on the other side with a pride.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You don't have to live a 100 years. Instead, do something that will keep you in people's memories for a century or more.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You never knew fear until you were told to be scared.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

When you get up and when you sleep depicts who you will be in the next 5 years.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Very few people have goals and only a rare percentage of them actually achieve it—you're one of them.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Right now, you're like a clay. Shape yourself to such absolution that your worth rises substantially.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Cross the bridge of limitations and witness the beginning of a new infinite world.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Today I will become a murderer to live a better fulfilled life—today, I will kill all my fears.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If you stop believing just because things got difficult, you will never have a sizzling comeback story.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

There is no cure for negativity unless you destroy it with your own bare hands.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Your conviction will make you a superior individual one day—better keep it in stock.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

No matter how many times you stumble or fall, it will all be worth it in the end.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Don't waste time doing things you're not good at. Focus on your strengths and master them to such extend that no one could surpass you.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You cannot be successful unless you're already successful in your mind.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If everyone is happy from your success, beware! You haven't succeeded yet.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Why you must succeed you ask? To repair your despair.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Money: The Third Essential Gift

Most wait for the rain to pass to see a clear sky. Just buy a Rolls Royce and have your own piece of sky.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If you're not born with a silver spoon, congratulations! You just earned the right to make that kind of wealth in a fun way.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Making millions is an art. Become the artist.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Wealth without wisdom is nothing but a mirage.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Hustle every day, count your every dime. Money's an illusion, raise it everytime.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You don't need a money making machine because you are a money making machine.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Becoming a millionaire is a choice and not fate. Better choose it on time and change your fate.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Get up every day with the intention of conquering the world and becoming super rich.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Release the constraints from yourself and go all out for once—now you're rich.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Today, success is measured by money. However, true success is what you do with your money.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Money never has the mystical prowess to change your core. However, it can surface your real intentions.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If your entire wealth is taken away and you can't make it all back, you don't deserve to have it in the first place.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Business: Profit Generating Machine

An entrepreneur is a person who manipulates his emotions to overcome his desires by keeping determination and motivation in check, to create an everlasting success.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

True way of a businessman is to solve the biggest problem and live a life of zero regrets.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Today I take an oath of a champion to defeat my fears, become better, attain my dreams, workout, learn constantly, live in abundance, and create a legacy.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Work until the biggest and the best chair is offered to you wherever you go.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

When you follow your passion, money is not the issue.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Go full and become successful or stay where you are and face regret—the choice is yours.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

No billionaire in the whole world will deny the fact that their dreams became an obsessions before they were turned into concrete reality.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Every person has something to offer to the marketplace that can make them a millionaire.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

My passion drives me, my dream wakes me, my vision keeps me going. I am not lucky, I am disciplined.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The more you witness the luxurious effects of wealth, the more you realize that you can have it all.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

These 5 Skills make you a millionaire soon: communication, discipline, ethics, organization, and being attentive.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Try desperately hard to achieve knowledge, wisdom, skills and dreams.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Precious Life: An Invaluable Period

Only only follow those whom they hate and admire the most.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

My life was given to me by someone else and now it is up to me to make the most of it.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Do yourself a favor and just grow up!

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Turn your life into a beautiful embroidery, not into another horror story.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Multiple lives is a myth. Do and achieve everything you can in this life itself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Judging others before making yourself perfect is a dangerous crime.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Your past, present, and future are the result of your own actions.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Always remember—you are one of one.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Its not about what you fear but what you do to overcome it.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The challenge has to be tough, or else the victory will be forgotten sooner than expected.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

I usually don't compete, but there is no hell way I'm gonna let the past me be better than the current me.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Harsh truth: Success is never written in your destiny but you are given the pen to write it yourself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The challenge has to be tough, or else the victory will be forgotten sooner than expected.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

I usually don't compete, but there is no hell way I'm gonna let the past me be better than the current me.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Harsh truth: Success is never written in your destiny but you are given the pen to write it yourself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Problems are actually a blessing in disguise.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

What do you think will happen if you try one more time after failing a million times? An obvious victory.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Anything can be done, it all depends on you.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Principles: A Way of Life

Run towards your goals as if your life depends on it.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

A life without a vision is nothing but an endgame.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

True success only comes when you're capable and worthy of handling it.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

No matter in which field you're in; you must try absolutely hard to dominate the arena.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

No matter if you're a billionaire or an abandoned orphan. You must have a dream, and one that takes a lifetime to achieve.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Choose yourself the best rival that will unlock your hidden potential.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Self doubt is an assassin that kills you a million times and the harsh part is that you hired it to do so.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

There is always a bigger animal ready to devour you when you fail to meet your daily targets.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

There is no harm in wanting to have everything.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You are the first and last limit to yourself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

When they say you can't achieve your dreams, they are talking to themselves not you.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If your vision doesn't excite the people around you. Then you're either in a wrong circle, or your vision isn't big enough.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer because the poor seek money and the rich seek self growth.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

You can never be lost if you're following yourself.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Dreams are nothing to be ashamed of; get up and live them.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

There are places you can't reach alone, you need a team.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The one who is not putting in the work towards their dream will hate you for your success.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

The first thing that needs to be changed is not the world, its you!

—Ahemad R. Kazi

Knowing your limits and breaking them is 1000 times better than saying "I am Limitless."

—Ahemad R. Kazi

When you know the value behind the result, no transaction is impossible.

—Ahemad R. Kazi

If you're walking alone, keep walking and ensure everyone witnesses your full glory.

—Ahemad R. Kazi