
Project Portfolio

Let me illustrate some of the projects that were out of my comfort zone and I had to outgrow myself to complete them. Due to NDA restrictions, specific details will be hidden.

#1: Biography of a Business Mogul


I can never forget this project as it was my first ever client, and he had a rather peculiar request to help me write his biography. Wrestling with a rare and undiagnosed disease, this man had a wish to sketch his life in the form of a book. I was constantly on a call with him, listening to a man who couldn’t leave his bed narrate the stories of how he worked in billion-dollar businesses, leading industries, visiting almost every country in the world, and consulting even the most prestigious people worldwide. His life was full of surprises, and his accomplishments blew me away. Working with him was pure bliss and filled me with hope; I learned so much from him, and we are still in contact.

#2: A Positive Book About Living Your Dream

My next client, let’s call him Joseph, was a success coach and had an exciting idea for a book that teaches people different lessons about living their dream lives. It was filled with significant lessons and stories about self-awareness, habits, being truthful, the law of attraction, loyalty, routines, and so much more. I got to learn so many topics at once, and I was gliding from one chapter to another with the intent to learn something new and deliver my best work possible. Joseph was one of my highest-paying clients, and when I turned his one page idea into a 50,000 words book, he was mesmerized by the result and the speed at which I delivered it.

#3: Guide To Financial Literacy

Most people often need money but do not value it or know how to treat it. When I was given the opportunity to write a guide on financial literacy, I was as happy as a human could be. I was ultimately going to learn the lessons about money and management from the manager of a multi-million dollar finance firm—that in itself was a trophy I could boast for the rest of my life. I brushed up on things about money that I already knew and also learned lessons that I didn’t know existed. Collaborating with a man of his caliber was enough to upskill my knowledge of finance. The project was a great success, and the book was launched and read by people worldwide.

#4: Investing for Young Teens

I met someone who wanted to share his immense knowledge of investment with young teens. I was a teen, I wanted to learn to invest, and the project came to me—we were a perfect match, like a jigsaw puzzle. I smoked my computer with intense research and merged my skills with his comprehensive investment knowledge. I learned how money flows, its levels, the laws of compounding, and much more. I realized my familiarity was flawed and started to grasp new concepts with a beginner’s mindset. The project took less time than initially anticipated; the client was patient and allowed me to learn and illustrate my understanding.

#5: A Handbook on Personality Development

When discussing the book content, I was under the impression that it would be another self-help book—easy! However, I was wrong. It was far from a regular book. In fact, I had to re-learn some of the lessons I already knew just because my previous understanding was limited, and my perspective had to be expanded. The book outlined how to build yourself from the ground up, from absolute zero. There were also case studies and life lessons from entrepreneurs who walked the talk and impacted the world. Overall, I was lucky to be the one to craft a 40,000-word manuscript that spoke facts about one’s life and directed the reader towards a successful journey.

#6: A Detailed Guide on Buying a House

I would be lying if I said I knew anything about real estate investing prior to this project. I followed the advice of Richard Branson and said “Yes,” only to learn how to do it later. My client was an investing expert who wanted to share her insights on buying the first property. The book included a step-by-step process on saving money and compounding over time to buy the property in the mid or late 20s. I had no idea that it was even possible for a person in their 20s to buy their first house. The experience expanded my horizons and gave me enough knowledge to write a 30,000-word book in less than two months. My client was thrilled with the result and appreciated my additional effort to learn and research the concepts I was unaware of—she was patient and hence received a fruitful product.

#7: Workplace Communication Guide

The conversation within a corporate setting is different and needs to be learned in order to be effective. My client had a dream of ensuring that business cultures and conversations flow fluently so there is no room for repetition. I had to investigate the cultural flow and watch corporate videos, and I even went out there myself to check out how conversation flows in a corporate environment. The project was intense and rewarding. I wrote a 30,000-word book that explained precisely how to communicate like a pro in the workplace, from initial thought to receiving feedback. My client received the project 10 days ahead of time and published it within the next 15 days. She is now an authoritative figure teaching workplace communication to businesses across multiple nations.

#8: Making Money Manual

This project was highly intriguing. It was destined to be a perfect manual that teaches how to make money. The client had a list of principles and steps to be the book’s cornerstone. I took those 7 steps and turned them into an 8 chapter book illustrating the effectiveness of each step in detail. Each chapter comprehensively outlined the various phases of money, from initial gathering to investment, and there were two secret steps that I didn’t know could increase wealth at all but, upon research and communicating with the client, turned out to be true. I now understand why the rich get richer—interesting!

#9: Business Scaling Guide

This project was a deeply insightful book about how to scale your business. Another high-paying client wanted to share her insights on scaling any business with proper systems and processes and needed my help to outline everything perfectly. It was great working with her; I was a part of her workflow and communication to ensure I understood how everything worked so I could exemplify it in the book. There were many moving parts, but we handled the project brilliantly together. We worked as a team and in absolute harmony, and I did more than I was paid for to ensure that I did justice with the project in hand. My work impressed her, and we signed multiple projects within 30 days.

#10: A Book About Leadership

I had the privilege to write a book that defines the core of leadership. This project materialized my dream of helping millions of people worldwide, from France to America. It was a hardcore book showcasing the knowledge of my client to the best degree and providing my personal input to ensure the result was promising. The book designed how to be a great leader, manage stress, communicate properly, embrace individual personality, and solidify teamwork. Each chapter was designed to teach something valuable, and the overall flow was considered the best visual and readability experience. The final book was a beautiful, comprehensive guide that would teach any business owner to be a spirited leader.

What My Clients Say About Me



Ahemad Kazi is unbelievable with his work. He has a special gift for writing and the speed at which he returns the work is great. He is here to help you become an author as soon as possible. He is great to work with and will talk to you to make sure you are on the same page to put your vision into your book. Ahemad is the best.

Bryston Williams



The definition of "Ahemad" in one word would be 'Multitalented'!!! He is a self-motivated, amazing personality who has a fire to do something great in life. He works hard towards making each piece of his work a masterpiece. He is just the best. He has grown tremendously over time and has amazed me with his 'out of the box' thinking always!

Divya Gawas

Co-founder, Designway


Ahemad is no doubt the best. Working with him was a great learning experience for me. He will surprise you with the content and ideas and his plans are really worth implementing. He has the potential to give birth to brands and take them to the next level. Finally, his aims and dedication towards his work to achieve them is appreciable.

RadhaPrasad Borker

Director of Goa App

The Inheritance of Dreams

Effective Business Strategies and Life Principles through Storytelling

The Inheritance of Dreams is a unique combination of thrilling dialogues, precious business and life lessons, money-making laws, family emotions, incredible instances, heart-breaking love, infinite motivation, an entertaining story, and many soul-shaking aphorisms.

The Inheritance of Dreams