Author Bio

Its Story Time! Get Comfortable

Author Bio | The Beginning | Ahemad R Kazi

Author Bio | The Beginning

My voyage began in 2018; I was a young man, clueless about the future, without purpose, direction, or plan. I witnessed the world moving towards computers and believed it would be great to have a similar career. I have been a smart student since the beginning but was unaware that being above average comes with a massive backpack of expectations. Family, teachers, and mentors were all looking up to me, hoping I would be the prodigy destined for greatness.

However, life gave me a reality check, and my first obstacle pulverized me to dust. I planned to clear my exams and get admission into a software engineering course. However, I FAILED! Not by a margin or a slim chance, I failed miserably. At the time, I may have blamed anyone and everyone due to my immaturity, but it was all me. I could have done better! Being the said prodigy, I never tasted defeat. I believed things would always work out for me; however, when life hits, everything takes a backseat. I was devastated, not knowing what to do.

I was not stupid, so I thought, let me try again. I prepared for the exam one more time, and to my surprise, I failed again. What? The destined prodigy failing two times in a row? How could I? The hopes and expectations that my family and teachers entrusted me with were all shattered! I was broken, irreparable, and oblivious. My chance to get admission had long passed, and all I could do was sit in my room staring at the wall—I did that for two months straight.

The Revelation

I was done being sorry for myself. After two long months, one day, while staring at the wall, I realized that I was still flawed, the world didn’t care about my defeat, and my family was still stuck being middle class. Is this really how I want to spend my life? Staring at the wall? Of course not! I gushed myself into self-healing, personal development, and reading books. I felt better with all the motivational speeches, books, and philosophies, but I still lacked purpose.

That all changed one day when I was scrolling through YouTube. I came across a video from a millionaire named “Daniel Ally.” I don’t remember the name of the video, but he was talking about his books and preferences, standing in front of his library and telling the world how millionaires read 52 books a year and so on. Whoa, Whoa, Whoa, hold on a minute.

My mind paused for a while and thought, “If people are reading so many books, why don’t I try to write one?” It was a foolish idea because I had never written anything in my life.

Author Bio | The Revelation | Ahemad R Kazi

The Comeback

Author Bio | The Comeback | Ahemad R Kazi

After 15 minutes of due diligence, which was me scrolling on YouTube, I decided to write a book—not the best seller, not the best book, just a book. I had all the time in my life as I was not pursuing my degree, so I gave it a shot. Me saying that it was tough would be an understatement. I wrote lines that ended with prepositions; there was no structure, and overall, nothing made sense. It took me two months to learn how to write correctly and another few weeks to make it look like a book.

Finally, it was ready, my first book; I was on cloud nine. I showed it to everyone, even people I barely knew, because why not? November 2018, I was blown away by my accomplishment. It wasn’t a significant achievement; however, it was a massive triumph for a loser who had nothing else going on for himself. On that day, I promised myself that I would dedicate my skills and talents to 3 things: making money, helping people, and upskilling myself. Thus, a dream was born; I envisioned helping 10 million people worldwide to take massive positive action in life. Not because it sounds cool but because I know how it feels to be a loser and shatter the dreams and expectations of people around me.

If I could help people not feel like losers, then on my honor, I must do everything I can to make it happen. I started my freelancing career as a ghostwriter in 2019, and it has been more than 5 years. I have worked with clients across nine nations and helped business owners, managers, experts, and coaches uplift their careers and impact the lives of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. There is still a long way to go, but with every new client, I am getting closer to my vision.

My Accolades as a Professional Writer

Books Published
Articles Issued
Words Written
0 M+
Years of Experience
0 +
Quotes Composed
0 +
Books Authored


There’s Something I Want To Share…

Not here! I’ve created a different segment where I will share some of the most insightful and prestigious lessons that you won’t find anywhere on the internet. Why? Because they come directly from the library of my experience. I believe that each story will ignite a revelational moment and add significant value and positivity to your life.

The Inheritance of Dreams

Effective Business Strategies and Life Principles through Storytelling

The Inheritance of Dreams is a unique combination of thrilling dialogues, precious business and life lessons, money-making laws, family emotions, incredible instances, heart-breaking love, infinite motivation, an entertaining story, and many soul-shaking aphorisms.

The Inheritance of Dreams